Spring 2024
Headteacher's Blog
Content for Spring 2024
Easter Activities in Rotherham
Easter Activities in Barnsley
Headteacher Awards Friday 22nd March 2024
Well done to the pupils nominated for a Headteacher Award and to those who shared Good Work this week.
Rec Isaac for always doing his best
Lily for always listening carefully
Y1 Raf for working so hard to improve his reading
Carter for trying so hard to improve his writing
Y2 April for superb effort everyday in every lesson
Paisley for superb effort everyday in every lesson
Y3 Lillie for amazing Maths all week
Faye for always being a superstar
Y4 Zak great progress with times tables
Gracie for excellent progress in Maths
Y5 Layla-Mai for being confident reading aloud in drama and role play
Noah for always persevering having confidence in himself
Y6 Thomas for excellent descriptive writing and being a fantastic
role model
Jessica for excellent understanding in Maths and being resilient
Sharing Good Work with us this week are the pupils below:
Attendance this week is as follows:
Y4 - 99.2%
Y3 - 98.2%
Y6 - 97.2%
Y2 - 97%
Y1 - 95.1%
Y5 - 94.9%
YR - 94.3%
Hello Spring Crafting at Rawmarsh Library - 11th April
Happy Easter crafting at Rawmarsh Library - 23rd March
Online Safety Community Awareness - Tuesday 26th March
There is an Online Safety course being run on Tuesday 26th March at the Minster in Rotherham. Everyone is welcome.
National Offer Day for Primary Schools - 16th April
Tuesday 16th April 2024 is the National Offer Day for primary school places allocating school places for Reception classes starting in September 2024. These get sent home to parents before we receive them at school, we do not get an advance glimpse. If you do not get an offer and you think you should have, please contact Primary School Admissions on 01709 382121 asap and discuss what has happened.
Red Nose Day - thank you
Many thanks to all of you who have been so generous to donate towards Red Nose Day. We have a few pupils still counting all the donations, we estimate the total to be over £350.
Headteacher Awards Friday 15th March
Nomintaed for this weeks Headteacher Award are the following pupils:
Rec Tommy for always joining in and sharing his
wonderful ideas
Tioluwanami for settling in beautifully in his new class
Y1 Winter for her increased effort in all areas
Sofia for improvement with her pencil grip and handwriting
Y2 April for always giving her best effort
Alysha for fantastic writing
Y3 Jacob for amazing attitude to learning
Ernest for impressive drama skills
Y4 Calvin for great language choices in his writing and good
progress in English and Maths
Isabella for excellent science work and good effort in writing
Y5 Liv for a brilliant attitude to learning - always offering
a helping hand
Sharing good work are:
Headteacher Awards Friday 8th March
Rec Kayson for always trying his best with his handwriting
Ben for always being a happy and fun friend
Y1 Harrison for showing great perseverance with his writing
Thomas for improved independence in all areas
Y2 Jesuloluwa for making a great start to Y2
Millie for always giving 100% effort
Y3 Hannah for always trying her best in everything she does
Ellis for approaching every challenge with a smile
Y4 Jaxon for excellent effort and active listening
Annie for excellent effort in all areas of school
Y5 Darcey for always quietly trying her best in all learning
Skye for being enthusiastic and hard working at all times
Y6 Katelyn for excellent effort in all subjects and being a
fantastic role model
Grace for being amazing in everything she does and
being an excellent role model
Sharing Good Work
Both Year 1 and Year 6 had 99% attendance this week, well done to both classes.
Easter Holiday Child Care at POPS Outdoors
POPS Outdoors is again one of the recognised Child Care and Activity operators in Rotherham for what is known as HAF - Holiday Activity Fund. There are fully funded places for families who meet specific criteria.
POPS Outdoors can be used for Childcare or just for a days fun activity - but make sure you book early if you are interested! The details are below.
Easter Egg Dash
There is an Easter Egg Dash in Rosehill Park Easter Sunday from 12pm.
Headteacher Awards Friday 1st March 2024
Well done to the pupils nominated for a Headteacher Award.
Rec Freddie for trying much harder with learning
Betsy for being kind to our new pupil
Y1 Heidi for a fantastic piece of Literacy work this week
Nathan for his wonderful contributions during all lessons
Y2 Vinnie for superb science
Tilly for always being kind & caring to friends
Y3 Noah for amazing knowledge of fractions
Rosie for always being a pleasure in class
Y4 Isabelle for outstanding and ambitious use of vocabulary
Amayah for amazing fraction work - something has really clicked!
Y5 Brooke for always being a role model for her peers
Oliver for sharing his fantastic ideas confidently
Y6 Callie for excellent effort in all subjects and being amazing at all times
Skylar for fantastic effort in all subjects and showing resilience. Being an excellent role model
Well done to Y1 for having 100% attendance this week!
Overall, Thorogate School attendance is running at 95.6%, which is pleasing. We still have 15% of our school cohort who are classed as being persistently absent (below 90%) - we acknowledge that for some pupils this just cannot be helped when it relates to illness. For others, we will continue to work together with families to improve their attendance rates.
Sharing Good Work
Well done to the pupils who shared good work with us today.
Activities at Rawmarsh Library
Mother's Day
Come and design a mother's day card at Rawmarsh Library, Monday 4th March - Saturday 9th March.
British Science Week
Monday 11th March - Saturday 16th March, colour finger puppets and find insects crawling around the library.
Shakespeare Week
Monday 18th March - Saturday 23rd March come and take part in a variety of activities focussed on William Shakespeare.
Guidance regarding Measals
We have been asked to remind parents again about the importance of being vigilant regarding measles.
Whilst we currently do not have any confirmed cases of measles in the Thorogate School community, it is very important that we are on the look out for signs of measles in our children. It is estimated that 1 in 3 children who contract measles will require hospital intervention.
If your child has not been vaccinated against measles, please urgently consider contacting your GP.
Information on the NHS website:
Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. Some people may also get small spots in their mouth.
Cold-like symptoms
The first symptoms of measles include:
a high temperature
a runny or blocked nose
a cough
red, sore, watery eyes
Spots in the mouth
Small white spots may appear inside the cheeks and on the back of the lips a few days later. These spots usually last a few days.
The measles rash
A rash usually appears a few days after the cold-like symptoms.
Headteacher Awards for Friday 9th February 2024
Those Nominated for a HT award are:
Rec Alexander For trying hard to put his hand up
Ava Always being a good role model to others
Y1 Barkley Working hard on leaving finger spaces in his work
Carter Persevering with his Maths
Y2 Finley Being a super historian
Ronnie Superb effort with handwriting
Y5 Thomas Always being kind and helpful to others
Dexter Working hard all week to demonstrate his knowledge and understanding
Y6 Ava Excellent effort in all subjects and showing resilience
Lexie Fantastic understanding in Maths and English and being a great role model
Sharing Good work are the following pupils:
Special Mention for attendance
New Headteacher's Blog Page
Because of issues relating to the Blogger platform (hyperlinks not working, the blog not displaying well on mobile phones etc) we have decided to return to Google Sites for the Headteacher blog. Whilst it is a little more clunky to write the blogs on, we hope it will be a better experience for parents to read.