Autumn 2 2024
Headteacher Awards Friday 13th December 2024
What a week! Fantastic performances by Yr, Y1 and Y2 in the Nativity plays. And they were so well supported - thank you.
We always have to balance the fire safety number with how many adults can attend and the pupils resilience with how many performances we put on. Thank you to the parents who brought younger siblings to the Monday (dress rehearsal) performance - it does help us know how many seats to have for the other performances and ensure that the performances are not interrupted.
Well done to the pupils who have been nominated for a Headteacher Award and to those who have shared good work.
Amelia G for a fantastic effort in the Christmas concert
Amelia H for always listening carefully and trying her best
Alex for starting off the Nativity in a clear and confident manner
Ben for jumping into the role of Joseph at a moments notice
Sophia for being a wonderful midwife in the nativity
Emmaleigh for singing an amazing solo in the school play
April for showing resilience in reading when faced with challenges
Devon for fantastic results in his maths tests
Amber for great progress in her writing
Jayden for great contribution in Maths lessons
Imogen for always having a positive attitude in class and always being ready to learn
George for always being a helpful friend and working well in class
Freddie for fantastic effort in ALL subjects and being resilient
William for excellent story writing in English and being a great help in class
Sharing Good work and the Year 6 students who produced amazing teddy bears in sewing club.
Headteacher Awards Friday 7th December 2024
Well done to all the pupils nominated for a Headteacher Award!
Theo for a sensible attitude to his learning
Izabella for working hard in Maths
Tommy M for an absolutely AMAZING week at school
Ruby for being an all round superstar and always doing her best
Harrison for amazing Maths
Nathan for great effort in Maths and English
Maddison for having a more positive attitude towards school
Sienna for trying really hard in her writing
Lexie for great progress in Reading and Writing
Jack for great effort in Art, Computing and Science
Zayyan for trying hard all week and listening to advice
Scarlett For being a role model for others, always trying her best
Ethan for excellent work in English and Maths and showing resilience.
Rosie for excellent resilience in class and having great mathematical knowledge
Below are the children sharing Good Work
Have Your Say - how to make Rotherham a safer place
What is happening at Rawmarsh Library?
Have a look at the wonderful selection of activities happening at your local library in Rawmarsh ....... remember, use it or lose it!
After School Childcare Provision via POPS Outdoors
Headteacher Awards Friday 29th November 2024
Well done to the amazing pupils of Thorogate School!
Ruby for excellent effort to learning
Ralph for enthusiasm learning nativity songs and dances
Harry for always trying his best
Skyla for always trying her best in phonics
Charlotte for superb effort & focus all week
Lydia for always giving 100% effort
Ronnie for trying really hard with handwriting
Foy for excellent effort in writing
Harry for excellent effort in all subjects
Isaac for great enthusiasm for learning
Laiton for focusing more on his learning and answering questions in lessons
Alex for being kind and helpful to his peers and always using his manners
Layla-Mai for fantastic Maths and showing resilience and being a great role model
Jack for excellent work in all subjects and showing enthusiasm for learning
Below are the pupils sharing Good Work
8 dangerous gifts that could be a nightmare this Christmas
Headteacher Award Friday 22nd November 2024
Well done to the amazing pupils who have been nominated for a Headteacher Award!
Freya for always having a positive attitude to learning
John for excellent effort in phonics
Tommy for his amazing attitude to reading
Isaac for his excellent effort in our Nativity practice
Carter for wonderful effort in Maths all week
Finley for working hard to improve his handwriting
Jack for amazing work in geography this week
Sonny for good effort in his writing all week
Grace Cooke for great Maths and English work all week
Frankie for excellent listening, focus and contribution to class discussion
Jaxon for trying hard in all subjects and answering questions in discussions
Georgia for always showing enthusiasm towards her learning and working hard
Kendall for excellent mathematical knowledge and being a fantastic role model
Isabelle for 100% effort in everything she does and showing enthusiasm for learning
Below are the pupils who shared Good Work.
Headteacher Awards Friday 15th November 2024
Well done to the amazing children being nominated for a Headteacher Award and those sharing Good Work!
Phoebe for excellent effort in all areas of learning
Marlo for always listening and being ready to learn
Lee for working well in all lessons
Tioluwanami for being a role model in all areas of school life
Charlotte for being a superstar learner and role model
Kacie for wonderful effort in Maths all week
Ethan for improved focus in literacy
Indie for fantastic Maths all week
Hannah for excellent listening and focus all week
Seth for always following the High Five Promise
Calvin for showing great determination and resilience
Liv for excellent work in ALL subjects and being a fantastic role model
Noah for giving 100% effort all the time in his learning and fantastic manners
Well done for raising £352 pound, with the children below winning a chocolate bar for their wonderful designs.
Term dates for 2025 -2026
The term dates for 2025 -2026 are now available! Please remember that only 3 INSET Days have currently been allocated, two more will be allocated during the year.
Last day of the academic year will be Friday 18th July 2025
Please note that the last day of this academic year for children will be on Friday 18th July 2025. Teachers will be in school on the INSET days:
Monday 21st July --> Positive Handling training
Tuesday 22nd July --> finalising assessment updates
Wednesday 23rd July --> planning for 2025 - 2026
Whole school dance - because we can.
Could you do with someone to talk with (confidentially)?
Via Rotherham NHS, adults who are registered with a Rotherham GP are able to access Qwell, an online mental health platform.
Please share with family and friends who might benefit from this service.
Anti-Bullying Gold Award
Representatives from our children attended the award ceremony for the Anti-Bullying Gold Award. Well done to everyone and keep reflecting on the need to be kind to everyone.
Headteacher Awards 8th November 2024
Well done to all the pupils nominated for a Headteacher Award!
Violet building in confidence & giving things a try
Albie for trying his best at all times
Ezra for listening so well and being a role model to others
Grayson for a great effort in phonics
Winter - Rose for always giving her best effort
Ollie for wonderful effort when writing
Oliver for fantastic attitude to learning
Alex always giving 100% in all areas
Harper for consistently excellent attitude to learning
Rosie for fantastic effort all week, especially Maths and French
Violet for always working extremely hard and being a role model
Thomas for being an enthusiastic participant in lessons
Poppy for fantastic English and being an excellent role model
Ethan for excellent attitude to learning and fantastic mathematical knowledge
Pupils who shared Good Work can be seen below.