Contact School
Respect, Responsibility, Pride!
Together through an exciting curriculum we empower pupils to become confident and resilient learners who reach their full potential.
Address: Rawmarsh Thorogate J&I School, Thorogate, Rawmarsh, Rotherham, S62 7HS
Tel: 01709 - 710033 Email:
School contact details
Address: Rawmarsh Thorogate J&I School, Thorogate, Rawmarsh, Rotherham, S62 7HS
Phone: 01709 710033
Headteacher: Mr J Barnett
Assistant Headteachers: Mr E Roebuck & Miss D Weston
SENDCo: Mrs Davies
Who to contact?
Please phone school and leave a message on the answer machine.
If further details need to be passed onto us, please speak to Mrs Wilson.
Concerns about your child:
In the first instance, please speak to your child's teacher.
Other wise speak to Mr Barnett, the Headteacher.
If you are concerned about the safety of any child, please contact Mr Barnett, the Headteacher, who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
If Mr Barnett is not available, please ask for the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead or email (this gets sent to the all of the safeguarding team at Thorogate School).
You can also contact Mrs Gail Foster Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding and vulnerable children (
Further information regarding Safeguarding issues are available on the Safeguarding section of our website.
If you think a child is in direct danger, please phone 999.
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities):
The SENDCo is Mrs Davies
The governor responsible for SEND is Mr Harvey (
When can I contact school?
School Office:
The school office is open every day between 8:30 am - 4:00 pm.
The phone will usually be answered by Mrs Wilson Wilson or Mrs Lockwood, but equally all members of staff will respond when near the school phone.
Usually the phone will be answered outside of these times. At busy times, at the start and end of the school day, the phone line can be engaged. Please avoid phoning at these times if possible.
Email is monitored during school hours and frequently outside of school hours.
Would you like your child to come to Thorogate School?
That would be fantastic!
If you would like to visit, please phone Ms Lockwood on 01709 710033 and arrange a visit. These can be done to suite you and usually at very short notice.
Admissions are managed by RMBC and can be arranged by phoning 01709 382121 and asking for Primary School Admissions. Information is also provided regarding the appeals process if you are not successful in securing a place for your child.
Freedom of Information
Any requests for information will be dealt with as efficiently as possible. You should contact the headteacher as per the contact details above. The publication scheme can be found here.