Thorogate School Curriculum

Our Curriculum intentions

Pupils are confident with their phonics and can use this to access age appropriate texts fluently. They use their reading for pleasure as well as to widen their knowledge and acquire skills independently from a range of sources. At Thorogate School, teachers will promote the development of, and love for, reading at every opportunity and the environment will be rich with quality texts to support learning across the curriculum and wider.

2. Every pupil is a Mathematician:

Pupils are confident with their sense of number and can use mental and written strategies to calculate and solve problems. Number bonds, time tables and arithmetic (including proportions) form the foundations for problem solving. At Thorogate School, teachers will encourage the use of concrete apparatus and models to visualise and communicate strategies for solving problems, moving into exploring abstract concepts when appropriate.

3. Every pupil is a Communicator:

Pupils will use oracy, drama, writing, art, sport, models and sheer enthusiasm to communicate their ideas to a range of audiences including children, parents, teachers and ‘the world’.  At Thorogate School, pupils will be given opportunities through a variety of experiences to express themselves individually and collectively.

4. Every pupil is proud of themselves.

At Thorogate School pupils will develop an attitude of resilience and pride by being encouraged to self-reflect on both their mistakes and successes. Pupils become ambassadors for mutual respect, facilitating cooperative learning.

5. Every pupil is a Global Citizen.

Pupils will have a sense of cultural, historical, geographical and social belonging in the worldwide community and take responsibility and pride in their actions, reflecting on how they impact on the world at large. At Thorogate School, we will encourage pupils to reflect on the wider world through our curriculum and what role they have as individuals, especially their impact on the environment.

6. Every pupil is digitally accomplished.

Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe in the digital age, reflecting on their digital presence and interactions. They use digital devices effectively to enhance their lives (including school learning) to maximise their progress towards the next stage of their education.  At Thorogate School we will promote the use of digital devices, predominantly - but not exclusively - through Google Workspace via the use of Chromebooks. Every aspect of their development will be enhanced through, but not dominated by, the digital world.

Curriculum Overview

010 Thorogate Curriculum Overview.pdf

Remote Learning

Remote learning takes place when a pupil or member of staff is not able to attend school to receive or deliver the Thorogate curriculum.  This approach was first developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, but could also apply during other situations where the normal 'physical attendance' at Thorogate School is not possible.

The Remote Learning Policy is regulary updated.

What is my child learning this term?