How is our curriculum designed?

How the curriculum contributes towards our school vision

The curriculum is designed to inspire our pupils to be curious, creative and reflective: giving them the ability to recognise their ‘footprint in the world’ and contribute positively towards society. Through our curriculum, pupils will be well placed to continue their journey onto their next stage of their education.

The curriculum is designed around a series of Topics which are taught in a two year cycle setting clear learning objectives, carefully crafted to progressively build on previous understanding and knowledge (both substantive and disciplinary knowledge). All curriculum knowledge areas are taught discreetly and celebrated through our Topics where possible, particularly History, Geography, Art & Design Technology and Science.

Mathematics is taught discreetly through the White Rose Maths programme from Y1 - Y6, which has a significant focus on problem solving. This is supplemented through additional work during topics. We also ensure efficient use of arithmetic, or ‘the basics’, which includes learning times tables. Maths is taught every day for approximately an hour with additional arithmetic / times tables practise.

English is taught daily, being made up of Phonics, Reading, Writing and SPaG (spelling punctuation and grammar) for approximately 1.5 hours per day in KS1 and 2 hours per day in KS2. As a school we use Read Write Inc (RWI) to deliver Phonics and Spelling. This is enhanced using a variety of skills based resources and a broad range of texts. English lessons are often used to develop knowledge acquisition for other curriculum areas.

Computing is woven through the curriculum using predominantly Chromebooks, but also Windows PCs and iPads, developing high levels of digital literacy in our pupils. Music is taught via Charanga Music School supported by the Rotherham Music Service and PSHE (including SRE) is taught using the Jigsaw programme that spirals through school. Discovery RE, which is closely linked to Jigsaw and matches the Rotherham Agreed Syllabus, is used for teaching Religious Education.

A SportsCoach supports teachers in delivering the Physical Education curriculum with Year 4 pupils benefitting from 12 weeks of swimming instruction. Thorogate attends many sporting events and inter-school competitions. Thorogate School takes part in Bikeability to ensure pupils are safe road users. Currently the school offers two residential trips, one at the start of Y5 and one towards the end of Y6. PE is timbetabled for an average of 2 hours per week and there are many active pursuits for pupils at play times.

Home support for learning will always be beneficial and at Thorogate we recognise the important part parents have to play in the education of their children. Homework at Thorogate School consists of the expectation that Reading Records are to be completed three times per week and supporting pupils in class related activities such as the learning of spellings. In KS2 pupils will have access to Bedrock Learning to develop reading and vocabulary, IXL Maths to practise mathematical skills and Times Tables Rock Stars to learn times tables - we would recommend parents ensure the systematic use of these programmes to enhance their child’s learning.

The curriculum is enhanced through pupil visits to develop first hand experiences & cultural capital, as well as wider opportunities such as conker competitions, BMX & Circus workshops.