Special Educational Needs & Disability
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
SEND Co - Mrs K Davies, kdavies@thorogateschool.co.uk, 01709 - 710033
SEND Governor - Mr Adrian Harvey, aharvey@thorogateschool.co.uk 01709 - 710033
Special Educational Needs (SEND) Policy
There may be times during a pupil's journey through school that they may need additional support in a particular area of their development. This can be academic or social support. Thorogate School works with parents to support pupils to ensure they achieve their full potential.
All parents, including those with children who have additional needs, will often have the following questions:
If you are considering applying for a school place at Thorogate School, we recommend that you visit us at your convenience. Please call the school office on 01709 - 710033 to arrange your visit.
If you are a parent with a child at Thorogate School and you have a concern about your child, please either speak to your child's teacher, Mrs Davis (SENDCo) or contact Mr Barnett either in person or using 01709 -710033. If these concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction, you have the option of following our complaints procedure.